Tuesday, August 21, 2007

OIAF Posters: Run Wrake (2000)

We're back with some more shameless Ottawa Fest boosterism! As promised, I'm going to be doing a brief retro on OIAF and SAFO poster art from days of yore. I was a lil' worried about trackin' down fair-sized images of each poster, but Angela Abbott, the OIAF Media Relations maven just happened to have five hi-res examples lyin' about, and was kind enough to send 'em to your truly. T'anks, Angela...I owe you the beer.

We'll start with the 2000 fest poster by the master of the surreal music vid, U.K. animator Run Wrake. It's dead sexy, but I'm not sure why he decided on the cowboy. Longtime contributor to the Ottawa Festival and staple of the British music video scene, Run's latest is 'Rabbit'...a parable only he could think up, using 1950's 'Dick and Jane' style kid's primer imagery to delightfully creepy effect. Recently, he picked up the Platform award for "Best Short Budgeted under $50,000". Here's what Run can do with just under fitty large.

A brief snippet from his BBC bio:

"I started experimenting with animation whilst studying Graphic Design at Chelsea School Of Art in the mid eighties, initially as a means to combine images with music. A Masters degree in Animation at the Royal College Of Art followed.

Since graduating from RCA in 1990, I have worked as a freelance Animation Director and illustrator, based in London, working on a wide variety of projects encompassing short film, promos, Television Graphics, commercials, live visuals and illustration. Highlights including... my first job, commissioned by an Elvis suited Jonathan Ross to make a title sequence...making 'Jukebox', my first animate! commission, a two year slog...meeting and working with Howie B, initially on a short film to accompany the release of his album "Music For Babies", and subsequently on a series of freeform promos...presenting storyboards to Roy Lichtenstein in his New York studio for U2's Popmart Tour visuals."

Oh, and just fer fun, check out his personal bio from his site:

Click the pick to go to his personal site. As I have now made meself extremely late, I'll tell ya to look forward to my next poster, uh...post. Late.

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