Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Ho-Ho from Pes (and, well, me too.)
Anybody who knows me knows that me and happy-happy joy-joy don't get along well, and Xmas is the 600 hundred pound gorilla of glad tidings. So, instead of blowing Yule Log smoke up yer bums, which would be ignant, I'll leave you with some goodies I've found round the web as I wind down this 2008.
Above, a gift from renowned thingamator PES. He's offered up a hires download of his famous Xmas FirePlace screen saver, free for the takin'! Just go here. And be sure to send him some e-mail thanks.
Next, a jazzy lil' number from the Verve record label...finally, a rendition of a Christmas classic that don't make me wanna punch puppies.
Here, we've got a Hoser Hoedown courtesy of Animax Entertainment. Honestly, these guys have been fighting to get an animated Bob n' Doug off the ground for freakin' YEARS, so it's nice to know they finally get to produce the thing...according to The Star, "The Animated Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie goes to air in Canada on the Global network in January."
Finally, here's the only truly sweet, heartfelt studio Christmas toon I was able to find in a half-hour of searching the YouTubes. It's one of me faves, simple, well-executed, short, and damned cute...a perfect closer to a darn fine year. Hope y'all have a good one, no matter what yer doin' or who you're doin' it with. Peace, and I'll see you in a couple o' weeks.
Bob and Doug MCKenzie,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Boos n' Lawyers.
Here at work, takin' a break from finishin' up some shtuffs, and came across these on the YouTubes while lookin' for The Frantics. Hey, Scott, how comes you never mentioned this dude on VG Cats? Made me laugh, thought you'd all enjoy it. Plus, there's Boos. Boos rock. More later.
Mario bros. Flash,
Phoenix Wright
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sneebings Greebings

Just a quick post to show some seasonal love from TAIS board buddy Craig Marshall and fellow Splashworkers pixel-spanker Eric Zermeno, in that order. More to come!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christian Topf: Mistletoe
Two and a half weeks of nothing, then a flurry of posts! Sorry, folks, the runups to Xmas have always been busy time here at Splashworks, even more so as of late. I'll try to make sure the posts are more thick on the ground in the new year, hey?
Meanwhile, a Christmas greeting from UK design house Christian Topf. My only regret in showing you this is that it seems it's their only offering on the YouTubes...Posted last year around this time. A charming lil' love story, nicely executed. Consider it a palate-cleanser to the, uhh, rich offerings below. Enjoy! More next week.
Christian Topf,
Dirdy Birdy
Ahh, the classics. Since I'm in the mood to show you some naughty goodness, howzabout some John r. Dilworth, a.k.a. Courage's dad? Think I saw this one up in Ottawa first.
Enjoy! More to come!
It's official...Mike Geiger is one sick phoink. Wanna know why I came to this conclusion? Watch the toon right through to the end, gentle viewer. Just don't be suckin' on no freezy pops while you'll be sooorrreee.
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