But first, our last prize must be awarded. That prize? P.A.X., one of the Monster Factory 'Monsternauts'. Monster Factory makes the greatest hand-crafted monster stuffies in the known universe, and they make 'em right here in Toronto. They're also proud sponsors of this TAIS event, so let's hear it for 'em! They're debuting new monsters at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition this weekend, so go get you one!

P.A.X. goes to Anuwat Vongtanee, who submitted this damn clever composite peice...you'll never hit your sink to do the dishes without flinching again. A great reveal, great effects and a terrific monster...all round goodness. Great work, Anuwat!
Thanks to all the animators far and wide who heard the call and took the time to create these amazing lil' monster films. As I said before, I'll be shouting your names far and wide on them there internets for all to see. Thanks to you, the TAIS MONSTERJAM was the crowing glory of the 2008 Animation Showcase. You, sirs and ladies, rock.
Now, don't go too far. Later this afternoon, the big show. Until then.
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