I'd forgotten about this! The NFB Animation doods have sponsored a groovy lil' contest to celebrate the launch of the Norman Mclaren boxed set.
"the NFB invited animation enthusiasts from 9 to 20 to grab a camera or cell phone and create a film of three minutes or less in the style and to the music of the master animator Norman McLaren. Here are the films of the finalists that remain in competition in this nationwide animated film contest.
From a final count of 170 eligible submissions, we of the jury chose the top ten in each age category. In the quarter final round, three films were eliminated by popular vote. The remaining 7 projects await your evaluation and their scores have been reset to zero. Remember, the more films you judge in each age category (between 1 and 5 stars), the greater your chances to win a prize.
Based on your input, another 4 projects will be eliminated during this round."
So, get on over, check out the films and vote! www.onf.ca/animetesclics/en/index.php
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